As part of INSITE’s Science partnership, the INSITE PhD Scholarship Programme is being established which will award INSITE Scholarships for PhD’s addressing specific research topics.

© Alian Norro

The INSITE PhD Scholarship Programme is led by the INSITE Programme Advisory Group (PAG), the group responsible for the scientific direction of INSITE.

The PAG is interested in proposals from universities and research institutions for PhD’s which increase the understanding of the ecosystems on and around man-made structures in the North Sea. Topics of particular interest under the INSITE Scholarship Programme are:

  1. Changes in the ecosystem which occur due to the placement of man-made structures in the marine environment or as a consequence of their removal;
  2. Comparisons between the ecosystem structure and function on native and non-native hard substrate;
  3. Variability in ecosystem structure and function on man-made structures against varying temporal scales.

Key Dates

November 2020 Call for Proposals
31st January 2021 ‘Deadline for Proposals’: Applications to be received by INSITE
February 2021 PAG review of proposals and make conditional awards
5th March 2021 Successful supervisors will be advised of conditional awards
October 2021 PhD’s Underway

Further information on the PhD programme and downlads can be found on the INSITE PhDs page.

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