INSITE Overall Synthesis Project 2021-2023

To provide an overall synthesis of the scientific evidence relating to the influence of man-made...

Autonomous Techniques for anthropogenic Structure Ecological Assessment (ATSEA)

The decommissioning of thousands of offshore installations at the end of their life is a...

Decommissioning – Relative Effects of Alternative Management Strategies (DREAMS)

Building on a number of recent UK-funded initiatives, DREAMS is a highly integrated project designed...

EcoSTAR: Ecosystem level importance of STructures as Artificial Reefs

The North Sea is one of the most industrialised marine environments on the planet, with...

Aggregation, production and spillover: the cumulative effect of man-made offshore structures on fish

“Spillover effects” are a well-known benefit of marine protected areas but have not been studied...

Connectivity of Hard Substrate Assemblages in the North Sea (CHASANS)

A global demand for energy in parallel with concerns about global warming and energy security...

Functionality and Ecological Connectivity of Man-Made Structures (FuECoMMS)

With more than 1300 energy-related structures (oil and gas platforms, wind turbines, cables) in the...

3D Image of Mussels on a concrete leg

Application of novel 3D imaging techniques to quantify biomass associated with North Sea artificial structures (NS3D)

Anthropogenic structures are deployed in marine environments to support industrial activities such as energy production....

The Influence of Man-made Structures in the North Sea (INSITE) Synthesis and Assessment of Phase 1

The first phase of the INSITE (Influence of man-made Structures In The Ecosystem) Programme evolved...

Assessing the Ecological Connectivity between man-made structures in the North Sea (EcoConnect)

Man-made structures including rigs, pipelines, cables, renewable energy devices, and shipwrecks, offer hard substrate in...

Investigating food web effects due to man-made structures using Coupled Spatial Modelling (COSM)

Is there an influence of man-made structures on ecosystem structure and functioning at the scale...

Reef effects of structures in the North Sea: Islands or connections? (RECON)

The aim of this study is to investigate and model the species distribution and inter-connectivity...

Measuring the shadow of artificial structures in the North Sea and its effect on the surrounding soft bottom community

Content coming soon…

Appraisal of Network Connectivity between North Sea subsea oil and gas platforms – ANChor

Installations of oil and gas platforms across the North Sea have introduced substantial amounts of...

Influence of Man-Made Structures in the ecosystem: is there a planktonic signal?

In the North Sea the presence of man-made structures (MMS), such as oil platforms, has...

UNDerstanding the INfluence of man-made structures on the Ecosystem functions of the North Sea (UNDINE)

Abstract: Offshore man-made structures are rapidly expanding in the North Sea. Whereas artificial structures such as...

Man-made structures and Apex Predators: Spatial interactions and overlap (MAPS)

The effect of man-man structures on the marine ecosystem is likely to depend on the...

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