We were thrilled to welcome the INSITE community in person and online for our Structures in the Marine Environement in Glasgow on the 28th of June. We enjoyed a full programme of talks, posters, discussion and networking. The day saw 4 sessions of talks with videos available for each in the page below.

Talk Session 1:Finfish interactions and novel technology.

Session Chair: Peter Oliver (Chevron and Industry Executive Committee chair for INSITE programme)

Talk Session 2: Decommissioning and environmental effects.

Session Chair: Paul Thompson (University of Aberdeen)

Talk Session 3: Biodiversity and behaviour.

Session Chair: David Paterson(University of St Andrews; Executive Director of MASTS)

Talk Session 4: Nature recovery and management.

Session Chair: Paul Fernandes (Heriot-Watt University)

Structures in the Marine Environment 2023 - Full set of videos