INSITE focuses on North Sea biodiversity for first in webinar series

INSITE, the independent science programme examining the effects of manmade structures on the ecology of the North Sea, is launching a series of free webinars.

New podcast furthers the debate on man-made structures in the North Sea

A new podcast explores the growing interest in and research about man-made structures in the North Sea.

All at sea with Boaty McBoatface

The National Oceanography Centre (NOC) is conducting research with robot submarine Autosub Long Range (ALR), better known as ‘Boaty McBoatface’.

SIME 2022 in Edinburgh look back

We were thrilled to return to Edinburgh for an in person Structures in the Marine Environment conference once again.

Structures in the Marine Environment 2022

Returning to an in person format for SIME 2022 was a fantastic way to reconnect

Structures in the Marine Environment Conference 2022 – 7th June

**Call for Abstracts is OPEN**

North Sea research initiative INSITE announces Professor Dickon Howell as Programme Director

North Sea focused research initiative, INSITE, has announced the appointment of Professor Dickon Howell as its new Programme Director.

Water Homepage

Structures in the Marine Environment – How do we plan for the future?

SIME 2021 is already nearly six month behind us. The event was a resounding success with an extensive programme of discussion and debate.

Water Homepage

Structures in the Marine Environment 2021 – Registration is OPEN

We are delighted to confirm dates for the third Structures in the Marine Environment Conference (SIME2021).

National Decommissioning Centre offers further funding to support the INSITE PhD Scholarship Programme 2021

The National Decommissioning Centre (NDC) is offering additional funding in support of the INSITE PhD Scholarship Programme.

INSITE: Connections

We regularly publish updates on the projects that are directly funded by the Programme and other related research. If you would like to be kept up to date, sign up for our Connections newsletter.


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