INSITE, the independent science programme examining the effects of manmade structures on the ecology of the North Sea, is launching a series of free webinars.

The webinars will cover key findings from each of the programme’s work packages, from marine biodiversity and monitoring to offshore wind deployment and cumulative impact assessments.

Professor Dickon Howell, Programme Director of INSITE, said: “The INSITE programme is now in its tenth year.”

“This series of webinars is a culmination of our independent scientists’ work. They will demonstrate how the programme has tackled critical gaps in our understanding of the role that manmade structures play in marine ecosystems.”

“They are a must for anyone interested in how our seas and oceans are managed, including the oil and gas industry, offshore renewables and policymakers.”

Image Credit Dutch Maritime Productions

The first webinar on 15 February is focused on marine biodiversity.

Professor Joanne Porter (Heriot-Watt University), Dr Tom Wilding (Scottish Association of Marine Science) and Dr Paul Somerfield (Plymouth Marine Laboratory) will present findings. This will be followed by some reflections by Victoria Metheringham (Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) and a discussion session hosted by Professor Dickon Howell.

Professor Dickon Howell said: “INSITE has already had a tremendous impact on the decommissioning debate.

“Our peer-reviewed science has revealed that these structures have positive as well as negative impacts on the marine environment and that their associated biodiversity is greater than anyone ever imagined.”

“There’s much more to come and the webinars will give stakeholders a chance to find out the scientific understanding we’ve gained so far, the benefits to the environment and industry, and what’s next.”

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